For Schools
Plan it.
It all begins with an idea. Riding a bike is a Life Skill, just like swimming. Becoming a cyclist gives children a means of independent transport and an opportunity for fitness
Build it.
We deliver Bikeability Levels 1, 2 & 3: Decide which levels you would like for your pupils
Book it.
We book a term in advance to be assured of a place in our diary you will ideally need to be thinking at least 5 months ahead of when you would like us to come to your school
Make it…
Happen: We will send you all the forms and letters to enable you to get the parent’s consent in place.
Please complete a booking form here
Bikeability Level 1
Bikeability Level 1
Level 1 is an exciting gateway to starting your cycling adventure. A journey of many miles starts with the first step. Level 1 takes place off-road, normally on the school playground. This means that children can learn in a traffic-free environment.
Most children take part in Level 1 at school during Year 3 or 4. This is when they are between 7 and 9 years old.
We know that all children are different – some are more advanced at an early age and some are more anxious to let go of those stabilizers. But don’t worry – it’s ALL normal! Whatever the age, Bikeability is here to support and guide you.
This course is about having some fun learning the core skills riders will need when they complete Bikeability Level 2 in Years 5 to 8 and between 9 and thirteen years old.#
The course duration is just 2 hours after which each rider will be given a badge and certificate. The instructors work 1:12, depending upon the size of your playground we can provide more instructors so you can sign up a whole year group.
Bikeability Level 2
Bikeability Level 2
The Level 2 course comprises a 2 hour playground assessment followed by up to 6 hours training on the road usually over two or more days
Level 2 teaches children how to grow more confident with each turn of the pedal. Our expert instructors will lead riders onto quiet roads, to experience “real” cycling.
Most children take part in Level 2 at school during Year 5 or 6. This is when they are between 9 and 11 years old.
Level 2 can feel like the biggest step – it’s cycling on the actual road! But with our instructors on hand, the riders will feel confident and safe in no time at all
Bikeability Level 2 teaches riders to:
Start and stop with more confidence
Pass stationary vehicles parked on a road
Understand the road: signals, signs and road markings
Negotiate the road: including quiet junctions, crossroads and roundabouts
Share the road with other vehicles
Bikeability Level 3
Bikeability Level 3
You will learn more advanced skills, including how to:
Use the best riding position for any situation.
Ride alongside other cyclists.
Ride on more complex roads. This might include busier roads, more complicated junctions or faster roads with speed limits above 30mph.
Negotiate more complex roads. For example, junctions controlled by traffic lights, multi-lane roads or cycle lanes.
Respond confidently when a situation changes. For example, when a vehicle pulls out in front of you.
Children can be ready for Level 3 from 11 years old, once they have completed previous levels. Bikeability Level 3 is taught in smaller groups or one-to-one so every course is tailored to a riders’ needs. It might focus on a skill you might want to practice more, or a tricky road where you travel often.
Whether you’re planning to cycle to school, ride alone to a club or explore with your family, Level 3 is the answer. It will set you up for a life of freedom on wheels!