Bikeability — Level 2

During Level 2 Bikeability training, you will get out on the roads! Level 2 gives you a real cycling experience so that you are able to deal with traffic on short journeys such as cycling to school. You will usually be trained in groups of up to 12 with 2 instructors per group. The instructors will demonstrate and may ride with you individually until you have the confidence to take on challenges like left and right turns, dealing with parked cars and building your awareness of traffic.

Once you have completed your Bikeability Level 2 and been awarded your orange badge and certificate, you will be able to:

— Start and finish a journey by road, including passing parked or slower moving vehicles

— Be aware of everything around you and signal your intentions to other road users when someone needs to know what you’re doing

— Position yourself properly on the road and pass side roads

— Use junctions including turning left and right into major and minor roads

— Decide whether a cycle lane will help with your journey

— Use the Highway Code, particularly when it comes to understanding road signs
