We are BeSpoke.
Welcome to the home of BeSpoke Cycling Instruction.
BeSpoke / Spokes Cycling Instruction is the biggest supplier of Bikeability Cycle Training to schools in Buckinghamshire, Windsor & Maidenhead and Slough. Our aim is to make cycling accessible to all - safer cycling to keep you fit and healthy.
Bikeability is the ‘cycling proficiency’ for the 21st century; the National Training Standard for Cycling designed to give the next generation the skills and confidence to ride their bikes on today’s roads.
We are an official Buckinghamshire Council cycle provider, National Standards (Bikeability) instructors, and are first aid trained, fully insured and hold current DBS certificates. We work in partnership with local authorities, as well as the general public, delivering Bikeability Levels 1, 2 & 3 and Bikeability Plus. We provide training for children from reception to secondary school, to adults, progressing them from learning to ride to basic bike handling skills (carried out in the playground or a similarly traffic free environment) through to advanced road skills.
Our Services & Training
Since 1996, there has been a National Standard for cycle training in the UK called Bikeability. This replaces what most of us remember as the ‘cycling proficiency test’, but is much more comprehensive and adapted to the conditions cyclists face on modern roads.
For more details on what each level entails, click on the heading.
Bikeability — Level 1
starting out | pedalling | stopping | manoeuvring | signalling | gears
Bikeability Plus — Balance
Develops those crucial early cycle handling and awareness skills in 4-7 year olds using games on balance bikes, trikes or adapted cycles.
Bikeability — Level 2
getting on the road | basic road craft | positioning | junctions | highway code
Bikeability Plus — Fix
Learn basic bike maintenance including puncture repair. Children learn how to keep their cycles up and running safely long term, so they can always ride.
Bikeability — Level 3
confidence in all road conditions | complex junctions | filtering | dealing with hazards
Bikeability Plus — Learn to Ride
For riders who can balance, this module is designed for anyone who has yet to master pedalling. Suitable for any age.
A detailed introduction to Bikeability & Bikeability Plus (Feb 2020) - it’s history, statistics, how it works and what it can do for schools - is linked below. If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us.
Bikeability External Assurance Report
“… competent instructors delivering excellent training”
“… professional rapport with school and pupils which resulted in exemplary behaviour in all sessions”
“… instructors’ management of sessions was excellent with a very positive team teaching approach”
5/5 scheme risk rating
Feedback from Schools
“As always, you were extremely helpful and responsive in the lead up to our Bikeability sessions. Again, you and your team were extremely professional and efficient during the week, organising the children perfectly! Your approach with the children always brings out the best in them. Many thanks again for a seamless process and we look forward to seeing you the same time next year.”
“… thank you for another great course. Your instructors were great and our children very much enjoyed it.”
“… thank you for all your hard work with our children this year. They loved every minute of it!”
“The children thoroughly enjoyed their Bikeability training. Having spoken to them afterwards, they were able to explain to me the skills they had learned and the importance - especially with regards to the skills needed to ride safely on roads in the future when they do the Level 2 course.”
Let’s Talk!
Bespoke Cycling Instruction provides traing to riders of all ages primarily in Buckinghamshire and Slough where there may be funding available. We can also work privately in South Oxfordshire. Please click the “Contact Us” box below to send an email or call 07999 210032.